What are the early signs of Parkinson’s disease?

August 21, 2024

The Parkinson’s Protocol™ By Jodi KnappThus, the eBook, The Parkinson’s Protocol, educates you regarding the natural and simple ways to minimize the symptoms and delay the development of Parkinson’s effectively and quickly. It will also help your body to repair itself without following a specific diet plan, using costly ingredients or specific equipment. Its 60 days guarantee to return your money allows you to try for once without any risk.

What are the early signs of Parkinson’s disease?

Parkinson’s disease is a progressive neurological disorder that affects movement. The early signs of Parkinson’s disease can be subtle and may vary from person to person. Recognizing these early symptoms is important for timely diagnosis and treatment. Here are some of the most common early signs of Parkinson’s disease:

1. Tremor

  • Resting Tremor: One of the hallmark early symptoms is a slight tremor or shaking, often beginning in a hand or fingers. It typically occurs when the limb is at rest and may be more noticeable when relaxed.

2. Bradykinesia (Slowness of Movement)

  • Slowed Movements: People with Parkinson’s may notice that their movements have become slower than usual, which can make simple tasks more difficult and time-consuming. Walking may become more laborious, and steps may become shorter.

3. Stiffness and Rigidity

  • Muscle Stiffness: Muscles may feel stiff or inflexible, making it harder to move normally. This stiffness can affect any part of the body and may lead to a decrease in the range of motion, contributing to discomfort or pain.

4. Postural Instability

  • Balance Problems: Early signs may include difficulty maintaining balance or feeling unsteady when standing. Some individuals may notice changes in posture, such as stooping or leaning forward while walking.

5. Changes in Facial Expression (Mask-like Face)

  • Reduced Facial Expressions: Often called “masked face,” this symptom occurs when facial muscles become less active, resulting in fewer or slower facial expressions, such as smiling or blinking.

6. Small Handwriting (Micrographia)

  • Handwriting Changes: A noticeable change in handwriting, often becoming smaller and more cramped, is an early sign of Parkinson’s. This condition is known as micrographia.

7. Speech Changes

  • Soft or Slurred Speech: Speech may become softer, slurred, or monotonous. A person may find it harder to speak clearly or project their voice, leading to difficulties in communication.

8. Reduced Sense of Smell (Hyposmia)

  • Loss of Smell: A reduced sense of smell or a loss of smell entirely (hyposmia) is a common early sign of Parkinson’s disease. This can occur years before motor symptoms develop.

9. Sleep Problems

  • REM Sleep Behavior Disorder: Early signs can include vivid dreams or acting out dreams during sleep, as well as difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep.

10. Constipation

  • Digestive Changes: Constipation is a common non-motor symptom that can occur early in Parkinson’s disease. It often results from slower digestive motility.

11. Fatigue

  • Unexplained Fatigue: Feeling unusually tired or fatigued, even after getting enough rest, can be an early sign. Fatigue may be persistent and can affect daily functioning.

12. Depression and Anxiety

  • Mood Changes: Depression, anxiety, or other mood disturbances are common early non-motor symptoms. These can appear before motor symptoms and are related to changes in brain chemistry.

13. Shuffling Walk

  • Changes in Walking: A shuffling gait, where the feet drag slightly while walking, can be an early indicator of Parkinson’s. The person may also have difficulty starting or stopping walking.


These early signs of Parkinson’s disease can be subtle and may be mistaken for normal aging or other conditions. If multiple symptoms appear or persist, it is important to consult a healthcare provider for an evaluation. Early diagnosis and treatment can help manage symptoms and improve quality of life.

The Parkinson’s Protocol™ By Jodi KnappThus, the eBook, The Parkinson’s Protocol, educates you regarding the natural and simple ways to minimize the symptoms and delay the development of Parkinson’s effectively and quickly. It will also help your body to repair itself without following a specific diet plan, using costly ingredients or specific equipment. Its 60 days guarantee to return your money allows you to try for once without any risk.